De Freitas B.K., Fritzen Venturini L., Domingues M.A., Augusto Da Rosa M., Issicaba D., | Exploiting PADE to the Simulation of Multiagent Restoration Actions | 2019 | 2019 11th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2019 | |
Domingues M., Alves L., Salvini R., Carrizo D., Issicaba D., Venturini L., Rosa M., | Collecting Energy Consumption Habits Data in Developing Countries: A Game Platform Proposal | 2019 | 2019 11th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2019 | |
Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A., Resende F.O., Santos B., Lopes J.A.P., | Long-Term Impact Evaluation of Advanced under Frequency Load Shedding Schemes on Distribution Systems with DG Islanded Operation | 2019 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | |
Da Silva Santos F.M.C., Bremermann L.E., Da Mata Medeiros Branco T., Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A., | Impact Evaluation of Wind Power Geographic Dispersion on Future Operating Reserve Needs | 2018 | Energies | |
Rodrigues A.C., Costa A.S., Issicaba D., | Identification of non-technical losses in distribution systems via state estimation and geometric tests | 2018 | SBSE 2018 - 7th Brazilian Electrical Systems Symposium | |
Salgado R.S., Moraes G.R., Issicaba D., | Determination of the bifurcation points of the power flow equations through optimisation-based methods | 2018 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Issicaba D., Rosa M.A., Prostejovsky A.M., Bindner H.W., | Experimental validation of BDI agents for distributed control of electric power grids | 2018 | 2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings | |
Da Rosa M.A., Bolacell G., Costa I., Calado D., Issicaba D., | Impact evaluation of the network geometric model on power quality indices using probabilistic techniques | 2016 | 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2016 - Proceedings | |
Issicaba D., Coelho J., | Rotational load flow method for radial distribution systems | 2016 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
Issicaba D., Coelho J., | Evaluation of the forward-backward sweep load flow method using the contraction mapping principle | 2016 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
Issicaba D., Coelho J., | Convergence evaluation of a load flow method based on cespedes' approach to distribution system analysis | 2016 | International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering | |
Issicaba D., Costa A.S., Colombo J.L., | Real-time monitoring of points of common coupling in distribution systems through state estimation and geometric tests | 2016 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | |
Blaauwbroek N., Issicaba D., Lopes J.A.P., | Multi-agent scheme to handle flexible loads on low voltage distribution grids | 2014 | Proceedings - 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014 | |
Costa I.C., Da Rosa M.A., Sumaili J., De Magalhaes Carvalho L., Issicaba D., | Composite reliability evaluation combining adequacy and security aspects | 2013 | 2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference PowerTech, POWERTECH 2013 | |
Leite Da Silva A.M., Nascimento L.C., Da Rosa M.A., Issicaba D., Pe?as Lopes J.A., | Distributed energy resources impact on distribution system reliability under load transfer restrictions | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | |
Issicaba D., Pecas Lopes J.A., Da Rosa M.A., | Adequacy and security evaluation of distribution systems with distributed generation | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Gil N., Issicaba D., Rocha Almeida P.M., Pe?as Lopes J.A., | Hierarchical frequency control in multi-microgrids: The participation of electric vehicles | 2011 | CIGRE 2011 Bologna Symposium - The Electric Power System of the Future: Integrating Supergrids and Microgrids | |
Issicaba D., Pe?as Lopes J.A., Rosa M.A., | Distribution systems performance evaluation considering islanded operation | 2011 | 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011 | |
Wang J., Botterud A., Bessa R., Keko H., Carvalho L., Issicaba D., Sumaili J., Miranda V., | Wind power forecasting uncertainty and unit commitment | 2011 | Applied Energy | |
Issicaba D., Gil N.J., Pe?as Lopes J.A., | Islanding operation of active distribution grids using an agent-based architecture | 2010 | IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT Europe | |
Rua D., Issicaba D., Soares F.J., Rocha Almeida P.M., Rei R.J., Pe?as Lopes J.A., | Advanced metering infrastructure functionalities for electric mobility | 2010 | IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT Europe | |
Issicaba D., Coelho J., | A power flowmethod for radial and meshed distribution systems including distributed generation and step voltage regulator modeling | 2007 | Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Energy and Power Systems | |
Costa I.C., Venturini L.F., da Rosa M.A., | Wind speed severity scale model applied to overhead line reliability simulation | 2019 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A., Resende F.O., Santos B., Lopes J.A.P., | Long-Term Impact Evaluation of Advanced under Frequency Load Shedding Schemes on Distribution Systems with DG Islanded Operation | 2019 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | |
Da Silva Santos F.M.C., Bremermann L.E., Da Mata Medeiros Branco T., Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A., | Impact Evaluation of Wind Power Geographic Dispersion on Future Operating Reserve Needs | 2018 | Energies | |
Bolacell G.S., Venturini L.F., Da Rosa M.A., | Distribution system reliability evaluation considering power quality effects | 2018 | 2018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2018 - Proceedings | |
Karnama A., Lopes J.A.P., Da Rosa M.A., | Impacts of Low-Carbon Fuel Standards in transportation on the electricity market | 2018 | Energies | |
Da Rosa M.A., Bolacell G., Costa I., Calado D., Issicaba D., | Impact evaluation of the network geometric model on power quality indices using probabilistic techniques | 2016 | 2016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2016 - Proceedings | |
Heleno M., Sumaili J., Meirinhos J., Da Rosa M.A., | A linearized approach to the Symmetric Fuzzy Power Flow for the application to real systems | 2014 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems | |
Heleno M., Meirinhos J., Sumaili J., Da Rosa M.A., Matos M.A., | Impact assessment of a massive integration of electric vehicles through the fuzzy power flow analysis | 2014 | IET Conference Publications | |
Bremermann L.E., Da Rosa M.A., Matos M., Lopes J.A.P., Carvalho L.M., Costa I.C., | Adequacy of the long-term operational reserve of a system with wind power and electric vehicles under severe scenarios | 2014 | 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedings | |
Costa I.C., Da Rosa M.A., Carvalho L.M., Soares F.J., Bremermann L., Miranda V., | Probabilistic analysis of stationary batteries performance to deal with renewable variability | 2014 | 2014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedings | |
Costa I.C., Da Rosa M.A., Sumaili J., De Magalhaes Carvalho L., Issicaba D., | Composite reliability evaluation combining adequacy and security aspects | 2013 | 2013 IEEE Grenoble Conference PowerTech, POWERTECH 2013 | |
Leite da Silva A.M., Manso L.A.F., Fl?vio S.A., da Rosa M.A., Resende L.C., | Composite reliability assessment of power systems with large penetration of renewable sources | 2013 | Reliability and Risk Evaluation of Wind Integrated Power Systems | |
De Carvalho L.M., González-Ferńandez R.A., Leite Da Silva A.M., Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., | Simplified cross-entropy based approach for generating capacity reliability assessment | 2013 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Da Rosa M.A., Leite Da Silva A.M., Miranda V., | Multi-agent systems applied to reliability assessment of power systems | 2012 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems | |
De Magalhaes Carvalho L., Da Rosa M.A., Leite Da Silva A.M., Miranda V., | Probabilistic analysis for maximizing the grid integration of wind power generation | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Leite Da Silva A.M., Nascimento L.C., Da Rosa M.A., Issicaba D., Pe?as Lopes J.A., | Distributed energy resources impact on distribution system reliability under load transfer restrictions | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid | |
Issicaba D., Pecas Lopes J.A., Da Rosa M.A., | Adequacy and security evaluation of distribution systems with distributed generation | 2012 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
MacIel R.S., Padilha-Feltrin A., Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., | A multi-objective evaluation of the impact of the penetration of Distributed Generation | 2011 | IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe | |
Da Rosa M.A., Heleno M., Miranda V., Matos M., Ferreira R., | Reliability impact on bulk generation system considering high penetration of electric vehicles | 2011 | 2011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech: The Power of Technology for a Sustainable Society, POWERTECH 2011 | |
Tomić M., Konjić T., Da Rosa M., Miranda V., | Reliability evaluation of balkan generation systems considering planning exercise of wind power integration | 2011 | 2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 11 | |
Keko H., Da Rosa M.A., Sumaili J., Miranda V., | Wind power forecast uncertainty in daily operation of wind park combined with storage | 2011 | 2011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 11 | |
Carvalho L.M., Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., Ferreira R., | A chronological composite system adequacy assessment considering non-dispathable renewable energy sources and their integration strategies | 2011 | 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011 | |
Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., Carvalho L., Da Silva A.M.L., | Modern computing environment for power system reliability assessment | 2010 | 2010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2010 | |
Tronchoni A.B., Pretto C.O., Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B., | Knowledge discovery in databases of forced outage of distribution utilities [Descoberta de conhecimento em base de dados de eventos de desligamentos de empresas de distribui??o] | 2010 | Controle y Automacao | |
Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., Matos M., Shebl? G., Da Silva A.M.L., | Intelligent agent-based environment to coordinate maintenance schedule discussions | 2009 | 2009 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP '09 | |
Miranda V., de Magalhaes Carvalho L., da Rosa M.A., da Silva A.M.L., Singh C., | Improving power system reliability calculation efficiency with EPSO variants | 2009 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Pretto C.O., Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B., Dos Santos T.T., | Use of mobile computing to qualify operational and maintenance routines of distribution systems [Utiliza??o de computa??o m?vel para qualifica??o de rotinas de opera??o e manuten??o de redes de distribui??o] | 2006 | Controle y Automacao | |
Lemos F.A.B., Manzoni A., Da Rosa M.A., Zampieri A.V., Jeffeman Filho J., Feij? Jr. W.L., Kober F., Dos Santos L.L., Bertani R., Brasil L., | Application of a computational system to support real time restoration and switching actions in distribution systems | 2005 | IEE Conference Publication | |
Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B., | Operation and maintenance planning of distribution system based in performance index and structural reliability | 2004 | 2004 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems | |
Pretto C.O., Rancich G.V., Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B., | Forced outages information treatment system and cause identification based on mobile computing and neural networks | 2003 | 2003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech - Conference Proceedings | |
Lemos F.A.B., Werberich L.C., Freitas J.S., Da Rosa M.A., | A strategic for voltage coordinated control to improve system operation | 2001 | 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings | |
Miranda V., A. Cardoso P., Bessa R.J., Decker I., | Through the looking glass: Seeing events in power systems dynamics | 2019 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems | |
Lugnani L., Dotta D., Ferreira J.M.F., Decker I.C., Chow J.H., | Frequency Response Estimation Following Large Disturbances using Synchrophasors | 2018 | IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting | |
Zimmer V., Decker I.C., e Silva A.S., | A Robust approach for the identification of synchronous machine parameters and dynamic states based on PMU data | 2018 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Leandro R.B., e Silva A.S., Decker I.C., Agostini M.N., | Identification of the Oscillation Modes of a Large Power System Using Ambient Data | 2015 | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems | |
G?mez J.E., Decker I.C., | A novel model validation methodology using synchrophasor measurements | 2015 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Zimmer V., Decker I.C., Agostini M.N., | Disturbance location in the Brazilian electric power system using synchrophasors | 2013 | 2013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT LA 2013 | |
Zimmer V., Tenfen D., Decker I.C., Lemos F.A.B., | Three-phase newton raphson power flow considering microgeneration | 2013 | 2013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT LA 2013 | |
Gomez J.E., Decker I.C., Leon R.A., | Hybrid simulations, a smart way to perform parameter validation in power systems | 2011 | 2011 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America SGT LA 2011 - Conference Proceedings | |
Prioste F.B., E Silva A.S., Decker I.C., | Monitoring oscillations modes of the Brazilian interconnected power system using ambient data | 2011 | 2011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech: The Power of Technology for a Sustainable Society, POWERTECH 2011 | |
Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., Agostini M.N., Prioste F.B., Mayer B.T., Dotta D., | Experience and applications of phasor measurements to the Brazilian interconnected power system | 2011 | European Transactions on Electrical Power | |
Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., Prioste F.B., Agostini M.N., Dotta D., | Experience of WAMS development and applications in Brazil | 2011 | 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011 | |
Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., Da Silva R.J.G., Agostini M.N., Martins N., Prioste F.B., | System wide model validation of the Brazilian interconnected power system | 2010 | IEEE PES General Meeting, PES 2010 | |
Decker I.C., Agostini M.N., E Silva A.S., Dotta D., | Monitoring of a large scale event in the Brazilian power system by WAMS | 2010 | 2010 IREP Symposium - Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - VIII, IREP2010 | |
Dotta D., E Silva A.S., Decker I.C., | Design of power system controllers by nonsmooth nonconvex optimization | 2009 | 2009 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES '09 | |
Prioste F.B., Silva A.S.E., Decker I.C., | Power system control based on the identification of oscillation modes | 2009 | 2009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech: Innovative Ideas Toward the Electrical Grid of the Future | |
Dotta D., e Silva A.S., Decker I.C., | Wide-area measurements-based two-level control design considering signal transmission delay | 2009 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Decker I.C., Dotta D., Agostini M.N., Silva A.S., Meyer B., Zimath S.L., | Installation and monitoring experiences of the first synchronized measurement system in the Brazilian national grid | 2008 | 2008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA | |
Dotta D., E Silva A.S., Decker I.C., | Power system small-signal angular stability enhancement using synchronized phasor measurements | 2007 | 2007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, PES | |
Agostini M.N., Decker I.C., e Silva A.S., | A new approach for the design of electric power system software using object oriented modeling | 2007 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems | |
Decker I.C., Dotta D., Agostini M.N., Zimath S.L., E Silva A.S., | Performance of a synchronized phasor measurements system in the Brazilian power system | 2006 | 2006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, PES | |
Agostini M.N., Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., | Discussion of "design of generic direct sparse linear system solver in C++ for power system analysis" | 2002 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Agostini M.N., Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., | Development and implementation of an object-oriented computational base for applications in systems of electrical energy [Desenvolvimento e implementa??o de uma base computacional orientada a objetos para aplica??oes em sistemas de energia eletrica] | 2002 | Controle and Automacao | |
Manzoni A., Silva A.S., Decker I.C., | Power systems dynamics simulation using object-oriented programming | 1999 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Manzoni A., Silva E., Decker I.C., | Power systems dynamics simulation using object-oriented programming | 1997 | IEEE Power Engineering Review | |
Decker I.C., Falc?o D.M., Kaszkurewicz E., | Conjugate gradient methods for power system dynamic simulation on parallel computers | 1996 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Decker I.C., Falc?o D.M., Kaszkurewicz E., | Parallel implementation of a power system dynamic simulation methodology using the conjugate gradient method | 1992 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Decker I.C., Falcao D.M., Kaszkurewicz E., | Parallel implementation of a power system dynamic simulation methodology using the conjugate gradient method | 1992 | | |
Menarin H.A., Costa H.A., Fredo G.L.M., Gosmann R.P., Finardi E.C., Weiss L.A., | Dynamic Modeling of Kaplan Turbines Including Flow Rate and Efficiency Static Characteristics | 2019 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Fredo G.L.M., Finardi E.C., de Matos V.L., | Assessing solution quality and computational performance in the long-term generation scheduling problem considering different hydro production function approaches | 2019 | Renewable Energy | |
Finardi E.C., Lobato R.D., de Matos V.L., Sagastiz?bal C., Tomasgard A., | Stochastic hydro-thermal unit commitment via multi-level scenario trees and bundle regularization | 2019 | Optimization and Engineering | |
Van Ackooij W., Finardi E.C., Ramalho G.M., | An exact solution method for the hydrothermal unit commitment under wind power uncertainty with joint probability constraints | 2018 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Scuzziato M.R., Finardi E.C., Frangioni A., | Comparing Spatial and Scenario Decomposition for Stochastic Hydrothermal Unit Commitment Problems | 2018 | IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy | |
Matiussi Ramalho G., Carvalho S.R., Finardi E.C., Moreno U.F., | Trajectory Optimization Using Sequential Convex Programming with Collision Avoidance | 2018 | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems | |
Beltran F., De Oliveira W., Finardi E.C., | Application of Scenario Tree Reduction Via Quadratic Process to Medium-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem | 2017 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
de Matos V.L., Morton D.P., Finardi E.C., | Assessing policy quality in a multistage stochastic program for long-term hydrothermal scheduling | 2017 | Annals of Operations Research | |
Larroyd P.V., de Matos V.L., Finardi E.C., | Assessment of risk-averse policies for the long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem | 2017 | Energy Systems | |
Cruz M.P., Finardi E.C., de Matos V.L., Luna J.P., | Strategic bidding for price-maker producers in predominantly hydroelectric systems | 2016 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Finardi E.C., Takigawa F.Y.K., Brito B.H., | Assessing solution quality and computational performance in the hydro unit commitment problem considering different mathematical programming approaches | 2016 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Tenfen D., Finardi E.C., Delinchant B., Wurtz F., | Lithium-ion battery modelling for the energy management problem of microgrids | 2016 | IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution | |
De Matos V.L., Philpott A.B., Finardi E.C., | Improving the performance of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming | 2015 | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | |
Tenfen D., Finardi E.C., | A mixed integer linear programming model for the energy management problem of microgrids | 2015 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Unsihuay-Vila C., Da Luz T., Finardi E., | Day-ahead optimal operation planning of windandhydrothermal generation with optimal spinning reserve allocation | 2015 | International Journal of Power and Energy Systems | |
De Matos V.L., Larroyd P.V., Finardi E.C., | Assessment of the Long-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling operation polices with alternative inflow modeling | 2014 | Proceedings - 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014 | |
Tenfen D., Finardi E.C., Fernandez V.S.S., Ober T., | An improved modeling for microturbines and fuel cells to the energy management problem of microgrids | 2014 | Proceedings - 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014 | |
Finardi E.C., Scuzziato M.R., | A comparative analysis of different dual problems in the Lagrangian Relaxation context for solving the Hydro Unit Commitment problem | 2014 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
de Matos V.L., Sierra M.A.G., Finardi E.C., Decker B.U., Milanezi A.A.S., | Stochastic model for energy commercialisation of small hydro plants in the Brazilian energy market | 2014 | Computational Management Science | |
Cordova M.M., Finardi E.C., Ribas F.A.C., De Matos V.L., Scuzziato M.R., | Performance evaluation and energy production optimization in the real-time operation of hydropower plants | 2014 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Philpott A., De Matos V., Finardi E., | On solving multistage stochastic programs with coherent risk measures | 2013 | Operations Research | |
Finardi E.C., Decker B.U., De Matos V.L., | An introductory tutorial on stochastic programming using a long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem | 2013 | Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems | |
Matos V.L.D., Finardi E.C., | A computational study of a stochastic optimization model for long term hydrothermal scheduling | 2012 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems | |
Takigawa F.Y.K., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Rodrigues R.N., | Solving the hydrothermal scheduling problem considering network constraints | 2012 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Rodrigues R.N., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Takigawa F.Y.K., | Solving the short-term scheduling problem of hydrothermal systems via Lagrangian relaxation and augmented Lagrangian | 2012 | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | |
Gonalves R.E.C., Finardi E.C., Silva E.L.D., | Applying different decomposition schemes using the progressive hedging algorithm to the operation planning problem of a hydrothermal system | 2012 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Gon?alves R.E.C., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., Dos Santos M.L., | Comparing stochastic optimization methods to solve the medium-term operation planning problem | 2011 | Computational and Applied Mathematics | |
Takigawa F.Y.K., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., | A decomposition strategy to solve the short-term hydrothermal scheduling based on Lagrangian relaxation | 2011 | 2010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA 2010 | |
Homem-De-Mello T., De Matos V.L., Finardi E.C., | Sampling strategies and stopping criteria for stochastic dual dynamic programming: A case study in long-term hydrothermal scheduling | 2011 | Energy Systems | |
Finardi E.C., Scuzziato M.R., | A model to accounting for losses in the Unit Commitment problem at Brazilian Hydro Plants | 2011 | 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011 | |
De Matos V.L., Philpott A.B., Finardi E.C., Guan Z., | Solving Long-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling problems | 2011 | 17th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011 | |
dos Santos M.L.L., da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Gon?alves R.E.C., | Practical aspects in solving the medium-term operation planning problem of hydrothermal power systems by using the progressive hedging method | 2009 | International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems | |
Rodrigues R.N., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., | Solving the hydrothermal unit commitment problem via Lagrangian Relaxation and Augmented Lagrangian | 2008 | 16th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2008 | |
Dos Santos M.L.L., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Gon?alves R.E.C., | Solving the short term operating planning problem of hydrothermal systems by using the Progressive Hedging method | 2008 | 16th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2008 | |
Finardi E.C., da Silva E.L., | Solving the hydro unit commitment problem via dual decomposition and sequential quadratic programming | 2006 | IEEE Transactions on Power Systems | |
Rodrigues R.N., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., | Allocation of hydroelectric units in the problem of programming energy operation using Lagrangian relaxation and augmented Lagrangian [Aloca??o de unidades hidrel?tricas no problema da programa??o da opera??o energ?tica utilizando relaxa??o lagrangeana e lagrangeano aumentado] | 2006 | Controle y Automacao | |
Rodrigues R.N., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., | Optimal dispatch of hydro generation plants via augmented lagrangian | 2005 | 2005 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting | |
Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., | Unit commitment of single hydroelectric plant | 2005 | Electric Power Systems Research | |
Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., Sagastiz?bal C., | Solving the unit commitment problem of hydropower plants via lagrangian relaxation and sequential quadratic programming | 2005 | Computational and Applied Mathematics | |
Da Silva E., Finardi E.C., | Parallel processing applied to the planning of hydrothermal systems | 2003 | IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems | |
Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., | Planning of hydrothermal systems using a power plant individualistic representation | 2001 | 2001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings | |
Gomes P., Aquino A.F., Ticom S.D., Fernandes B., Feltes J., | How Brazil Aims for Gold in Reliability: From Past Blackouts to Preparedness for the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games | 2016 | IEEE Power and Energy Magazine | |