
AuthorTitleYearSource titleLink
De Freitas B.K., Fritzen Venturini L., Domingues M.A., Augusto Da Rosa M., Issicaba D.,Exploiting PADE to the Simulation of Multiagent Restoration Actions20192019 11th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2019
Domingues M., Alves L., Salvini R., Carrizo D., Issicaba D., Venturini L., Rosa M.,Collecting Energy Consumption Habits Data in Developing Countries: A Game Platform Proposal20192019 11th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2019
Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A., Resende F.O., Santos B., Lopes J.A.P.,Long-Term Impact Evaluation of Advanced under Frequency Load Shedding Schemes on Distribution Systems with DG Islanded Operation2019IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Da Silva Santos F.M.C., Bremermann L.E., Da Mata Medeiros Branco T., Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A.,Impact Evaluation of Wind Power Geographic Dispersion on Future Operating Reserve Needs2018Energies
Rodrigues A.C., Costa A.S., Issicaba D.,Identification of non-technical losses in distribution systems via state estimation and geometric tests2018SBSE 2018 - 7th Brazilian Electrical Systems Symposium
Salgado R.S., Moraes G.R., Issicaba D.,Determination of the bifurcation points of the power flow equations through optimisation-based methods2018Electric Power Systems Research
Issicaba D., Rosa M.A., Prostejovsky A.M., Bindner H.W.,Experimental validation of BDI agents for distributed control of electric power grids20182017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT-Europe 2017 - Proceedings
Da Rosa M.A., Bolacell G., Costa I., Calado D., Issicaba D.,Impact evaluation of the network geometric model on power quality indices using probabilistic techniques20162016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2016 - Proceedings
Issicaba D., Coelho J.,Rotational load flow method for radial distribution systems2016International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Issicaba D., Coelho J.,Evaluation of the forward-backward sweep load flow method using the contraction mapping principle2016International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Issicaba D., Coelho J.,Convergence evaluation of a load flow method based on cespedes' approach to distribution system analysis2016International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Issicaba D., Costa A.S., Colombo J.L.,Real-time monitoring of points of common coupling in distribution systems through state estimation and geometric tests2016IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Blaauwbroek N., Issicaba D., Lopes J.A.P.,Multi-agent scheme to handle flexible loads on low voltage distribution grids2014Proceedings - 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014
Costa I.C., Da Rosa M.A., Sumaili J., De Magalhaes Carvalho L., Issicaba D.,Composite reliability evaluation combining adequacy and security aspects20132013 IEEE Grenoble Conference PowerTech, POWERTECH 2013
Leite Da Silva A.M., Nascimento L.C., Da Rosa M.A., Issicaba D., Pe?as Lopes J.A.,Distributed energy resources impact on distribution system reliability under load transfer restrictions2012IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Issicaba D., Pecas Lopes J.A., Da Rosa M.A.,Adequacy and security evaluation of distribution systems with distributed generation2012IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Gil N., Issicaba D., Rocha Almeida P.M., Pe?as Lopes J.A.,Hierarchical frequency control in multi-microgrids: The participation of electric vehicles2011CIGRE 2011 Bologna Symposium - The Electric Power System of the Future: Integrating Supergrids and Microgrids
Issicaba D., Pe?as Lopes J.A., Rosa M.A.,Distribution systems performance evaluation considering islanded operation201117th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011
Wang J., Botterud A., Bessa R., Keko H., Carvalho L., Issicaba D., Sumaili J., Miranda V.,Wind power forecasting uncertainty and unit commitment2011Applied Energy
Issicaba D., Gil N.J., Pe?as Lopes J.A.,Islanding operation of active distribution grids using an agent-based architecture2010IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT Europe
Rua D., Issicaba D., Soares F.J., Rocha Almeida P.M., Rei R.J., Pe?as Lopes J.A.,Advanced metering infrastructure functionalities for electric mobility2010IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe, ISGT Europe
Issicaba D., Coelho J.,A power flowmethod for radial and meshed distribution systems including distributed generation and step voltage regulator modeling2007Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Energy and Power Systems
Costa I.C., Venturini L.F., da Rosa M.A.,Wind speed severity scale model applied to overhead line reliability simulation2019Electric Power Systems Research
Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A., Resende F.O., Santos B., Lopes J.A.P.,Long-Term Impact Evaluation of Advanced under Frequency Load Shedding Schemes on Distribution Systems with DG Islanded Operation2019IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Da Silva Santos F.M.C., Bremermann L.E., Da Mata Medeiros Branco T., Issicaba D., Da Rosa M.A.,Impact Evaluation of Wind Power Geographic Dispersion on Future Operating Reserve Needs2018Energies
Bolacell G.S., Venturini L.F., Da Rosa M.A.,Distribution system reliability evaluation considering power quality effects20182018 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2018 - Proceedings
Karnama A., Lopes J.A.P., Da Rosa M.A.,Impacts of Low-Carbon Fuel Standards in transportation on the electricity market2018Energies
Da Rosa M.A., Bolacell G., Costa I., Calado D., Issicaba D.,Impact evaluation of the network geometric model on power quality indices using probabilistic techniques20162016 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2016 - Proceedings
Heleno M., Sumaili J., Meirinhos J., Da Rosa M.A.,A linearized approach to the Symmetric Fuzzy Power Flow for the application to real systems2014International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Heleno M., Meirinhos J., Sumaili J., Da Rosa M.A., Matos M.A.,Impact assessment of a massive integration of electric vehicles through the fuzzy power flow analysis2014IET Conference Publications
Bremermann L.E., Da Rosa M.A., Matos M., Lopes J.A.P., Carvalho L.M., Costa I.C.,Adequacy of the long-term operational reserve of a system with wind power and electric vehicles under severe scenarios20142014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedings
Costa I.C., Da Rosa M.A., Carvalho L.M., Soares F.J., Bremermann L., Miranda V.,Probabilistic analysis of stationary batteries performance to deal with renewable variability20142014 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2014 - Conference Proceedings
Costa I.C., Da Rosa M.A., Sumaili J., De Magalhaes Carvalho L., Issicaba D.,Composite reliability evaluation combining adequacy and security aspects20132013 IEEE Grenoble Conference PowerTech, POWERTECH 2013
Leite da Silva A.M., Manso L.A.F., Fl?vio S.A., da Rosa M.A., Resende L.C.,Composite reliability assessment of power systems with large penetration of renewable sources2013Reliability and Risk Evaluation of Wind Integrated Power Systems
De Carvalho L.M., González-Ferńandez R.A., Leite Da Silva A.M., Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V.,Simplified cross-entropy based approach for generating capacity reliability assessment2013IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Da Rosa M.A., Leite Da Silva A.M., Miranda V.,Multi-agent systems applied to reliability assessment of power systems2012International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
De Magalhaes Carvalho L., Da Rosa M.A., Leite Da Silva A.M., Miranda V.,Probabilistic analysis for maximizing the grid integration of wind power generation2012IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Leite Da Silva A.M., Nascimento L.C., Da Rosa M.A., Issicaba D., Pe?as Lopes J.A.,Distributed energy resources impact on distribution system reliability under load transfer restrictions2012IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid
Issicaba D., Pecas Lopes J.A., Da Rosa M.A.,Adequacy and security evaluation of distribution systems with distributed generation2012IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
MacIel R.S., Padilha-Feltrin A., Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V.,A multi-objective evaluation of the impact of the penetration of Distributed Generation2011IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe
Da Rosa M.A., Heleno M., Miranda V., Matos M., Ferreira R.,Reliability impact on bulk generation system considering high penetration of electric vehicles20112011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech: The Power of Technology for a Sustainable Society, POWERTECH 2011
Tomić M., Konjić T., Da Rosa M., Miranda V.,Reliability evaluation of balkan generation systems considering planning exercise of wind power integration20112011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 11
Keko H., Da Rosa M.A., Sumaili J., Miranda V.,Wind power forecast uncertainty in daily operation of wind park combined with storage20112011 8th International Conference on the European Energy Market, EEM 11
Carvalho L.M., Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., Ferreira R.,A chronological composite system adequacy assessment considering non-dispathable renewable energy sources and their integration strategies201117th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011
Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., Carvalho L., Da Silva A.M.L.,Modern computing environment for power system reliability assessment20102010 IEEE 11th International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, PMAPS 2010
Tronchoni A.B., Pretto C.O., Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B.,Knowledge discovery in databases of forced outage of distribution utilities [Descoberta de conhecimento em base de dados de eventos de desligamentos de empresas de distribui??o]2010Controle y Automacao
Da Rosa M.A., Miranda V., Matos M., Shebl? G., Da Silva A.M.L.,Intelligent agent-based environment to coordinate maintenance schedule discussions20092009 15th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems, ISAP '09
Miranda V., de Magalhaes Carvalho L., da Rosa M.A., da Silva A.M.L., Singh C.,Improving power system reliability calculation efficiency with EPSO variants2009IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Pretto C.O., Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B., Dos Santos T.T.,Use of mobile computing to qualify operational and maintenance routines of distribution systems [Utiliza??o de computa??o m?vel para qualifica??o de rotinas de opera??o e manuten??o de redes de distribui??o]2006Controle y Automacao
Lemos F.A.B., Manzoni A., Da Rosa M.A., Zampieri A.V., Jeffeman Filho J., Feij? Jr. W.L., Kober F., Dos Santos L.L., Bertani R., Brasil L.,Application of a computational system to support real time restoration and switching actions in distribution systems2005IEE Conference Publication
Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B.,Operation and maintenance planning of distribution system based in performance index and structural reliability20042004 International Conference on Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems
Pretto C.O., Rancich G.V., Da Rosa M.A., Lemos F.A.B.,Forced outages information treatment system and cause identification based on mobile computing and neural networks20032003 IEEE Bologna PowerTech - Conference Proceedings
Lemos F.A.B., Werberich L.C., Freitas J.S., Da Rosa M.A.,A strategic for voltage coordinated control to improve system operation20012001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings
Miranda V., A. Cardoso P., Bessa R.J., Decker I.,Through the looking glass: Seeing events in power systems dynamics2019International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Lugnani L., Dotta D., Ferreira J.M.F., Decker I.C., Chow J.H.,Frequency Response Estimation Following Large Disturbances using Synchrophasors2018IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
Zimmer V., Decker I.C., e Silva A.S.,A Robust approach for the identification of synchronous machine parameters and dynamic states based on PMU data2018Electric Power Systems Research
Leandro R.B., e Silva A.S., Decker I.C., Agostini M.N.,Identification of the Oscillation Modes of a Large Power System Using Ambient Data2015Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
G?mez J.E., Decker I.C.,A novel model validation methodology using synchrophasor measurements2015Electric Power Systems Research
Zimmer V., Decker I.C., Agostini M.N.,Disturbance location in the Brazilian electric power system using synchrophasors20132013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT LA 2013
Zimmer V., Tenfen D., Decker I.C., Lemos F.A.B.,Three-phase newton raphson power flow considering microgeneration20132013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT LA 2013
Gomez J.E., Decker I.C., Leon R.A.,Hybrid simulations, a smart way to perform parameter validation in power systems20112011 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Latin America SGT LA 2011 - Conference Proceedings
Prioste F.B., E Silva A.S., Decker I.C.,Monitoring oscillations modes of the Brazilian interconnected power system using ambient data20112011 IEEE PES Trondheim PowerTech: The Power of Technology for a Sustainable Society, POWERTECH 2011
Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., Agostini M.N., Prioste F.B., Mayer B.T., Dotta D.,Experience and applications of phasor measurements to the Brazilian interconnected power system2011European Transactions on Electrical Power
Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., Prioste F.B., Agostini M.N., Dotta D.,Experience of WAMS development and applications in Brazil201117th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011
Decker I.C., E Silva A.S., Da Silva R.J.G., Agostini M.N., Martins N., Prioste F.B.,System wide model validation of the Brazilian interconnected power system2010IEEE PES General Meeting, PES 2010
Decker I.C., Agostini M.N., E Silva A.S., Dotta D.,Monitoring of a large scale event in the Brazilian power system by WAMS20102010 IREP Symposium - Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control - VIII, IREP2010
Dotta D., E Silva A.S., Decker I.C.,Design of power system controllers by nonsmooth nonconvex optimization20092009 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, PES '09
Prioste F.B., Silva A.S.E., Decker I.C.,Power system control based on the identification of oscillation modes20092009 IEEE Bucharest PowerTech: Innovative Ideas Toward the Electrical Grid of the Future
Dotta D., e Silva A.S., Decker I.C.,Wide-area measurements-based two-level control design considering signal transmission delay2009IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Decker I.C., Dotta D., Agostini M.N., Silva A.S., Meyer B., Zimath S.L.,Installation and monitoring experiences of the first synchronized measurement system in the Brazilian national grid20082008 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA
Dotta D., E Silva A.S., Decker I.C.,Power system small-signal angular stability enhancement using synchronized phasor measurements20072007 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, PES
Agostini M.N., Decker I.C., e Silva A.S.,A new approach for the design of electric power system software using object oriented modeling2007International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Decker I.C., Dotta D., Agostini M.N., Zimath S.L., E Silva A.S.,Performance of a synchronized phasor measurements system in the Brazilian power system20062006 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, PES
Agostini M.N., Decker I.C., E Silva A.S.,Discussion of "design of generic direct sparse linear system solver in C++ for power system analysis"2002IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Agostini M.N., Decker I.C., E Silva A.S.,Development and implementation of an object-oriented computational base for applications in systems of electrical energy [Desenvolvimento e implementa??o de uma base computacional orientada a objetos para aplica??oes em sistemas de energia eletrica]2002Controle and Automacao
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Decker I.C., Falc?o D.M., Kaszkurewicz E.,Conjugate gradient methods for power system dynamic simulation on parallel computers1996IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Decker I.C., Falc?o D.M., Kaszkurewicz E.,Parallel implementation of a power system dynamic simulation methodology using the conjugate gradient method1992IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
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Menarin H.A., Costa H.A., Fredo G.L.M., Gosmann R.P., Finardi E.C., Weiss L.A.,Dynamic Modeling of Kaplan Turbines Including Flow Rate and Efficiency Static Characteristics2019IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Fredo G.L.M., Finardi E.C., de Matos V.L.,Assessing solution quality and computational performance in the long-term generation scheduling problem considering different hydro production function approaches2019Renewable Energy
Finardi E.C., Lobato R.D., de Matos V.L., Sagastiz?bal C., Tomasgard A.,Stochastic hydro-thermal unit commitment via multi-level scenario trees and bundle regularization2019Optimization and Engineering
Van Ackooij W., Finardi E.C., Ramalho G.M.,An exact solution method for the hydrothermal unit commitment under wind power uncertainty with joint probability constraints2018IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Scuzziato M.R., Finardi E.C., Frangioni A.,Comparing Spatial and Scenario Decomposition for Stochastic Hydrothermal Unit Commitment Problems2018IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Matiussi Ramalho G., Carvalho S.R., Finardi E.C., Moreno U.F.,Trajectory Optimization Using Sequential Convex Programming with Collision Avoidance2018Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
Beltran F., De Oliveira W., Finardi E.C.,Application of Scenario Tree Reduction Via Quadratic Process to Medium-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling Problem2017IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
de Matos V.L., Morton D.P., Finardi E.C.,Assessing policy quality in a multistage stochastic program for long-term hydrothermal scheduling2017Annals of Operations Research
Larroyd P.V., de Matos V.L., Finardi E.C.,Assessment of risk-averse policies for the long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem2017Energy Systems
Cruz M.P., Finardi E.C., de Matos V.L., Luna J.P.,Strategic bidding for price-maker producers in predominantly hydroelectric systems2016Electric Power Systems Research
Finardi E.C., Takigawa F.Y.K., Brito B.H.,Assessing solution quality and computational performance in the hydro unit commitment problem considering different mathematical programming approaches2016Electric Power Systems Research
Tenfen D., Finardi E.C., Delinchant B., Wurtz F.,Lithium-ion battery modelling for the energy management problem of microgrids2016IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution
De Matos V.L., Philpott A.B., Finardi E.C.,Improving the performance of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming2015Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Tenfen D., Finardi E.C.,A mixed integer linear programming model for the energy management problem of microgrids2015Electric Power Systems Research
Unsihuay-Vila C., Da Luz T., Finardi E.,Day-ahead optimal operation planning of windandhydrothermal generation with optimal spinning reserve allocation2015International Journal of Power and Energy Systems
De Matos V.L., Larroyd P.V., Finardi E.C.,Assessment of the Long-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling operation polices with alternative inflow modeling2014Proceedings - 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014
Tenfen D., Finardi E.C., Fernandez V.S.S., Ober T.,An improved modeling for microturbines and fuel cells to the energy management problem of microgrids2014Proceedings - 2014 Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2014
Finardi E.C., Scuzziato M.R.,A comparative analysis of different dual problems in the Lagrangian Relaxation context for solving the Hydro Unit Commitment problem2014Electric Power Systems Research
de Matos V.L., Sierra M.A.G., Finardi E.C., Decker B.U., Milanezi A.A.S.,Stochastic model for energy commercialisation of small hydro plants in the Brazilian energy market2014Computational Management Science
Cordova M.M., Finardi E.C., Ribas F.A.C., De Matos V.L., Scuzziato M.R.,Performance evaluation and energy production optimization in the real-time operation of hydropower plants2014Electric Power Systems Research
Philpott A., De Matos V., Finardi E.,On solving multistage stochastic programs with coherent risk measures2013Operations Research
Finardi E.C., Decker B.U., De Matos V.L.,An introductory tutorial on stochastic programming using a long-term hydrothermal scheduling problem2013Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
Matos V.L.D., Finardi E.C.,A computational study of a stochastic optimization model for long term hydrothermal scheduling2012International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Takigawa F.Y.K., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Rodrigues R.N.,Solving the hydrothermal scheduling problem considering network constraints2012Electric Power Systems Research
Rodrigues R.N., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Takigawa F.Y.K.,Solving the short-term scheduling problem of hydrothermal systems via Lagrangian relaxation and augmented Lagrangian2012Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Gonalves R.E.C., Finardi E.C., Silva E.L.D.,Applying different decomposition schemes using the progressive hedging algorithm to the operation planning problem of a hydrothermal system2012Electric Power Systems Research
Gon?alves R.E.C., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., Dos Santos M.L.,Comparing stochastic optimization methods to solve the medium-term operation planning problem2011Computational and Applied Mathematics
Takigawa F.Y.K., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L.,A decomposition strategy to solve the short-term hydrothermal scheduling based on Lagrangian relaxation20112010 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition: Latin America, T and D-LA 2010
Homem-De-Mello T., De Matos V.L., Finardi E.C.,Sampling strategies and stopping criteria for stochastic dual dynamic programming: A case study in long-term hydrothermal scheduling2011Energy Systems
Finardi E.C., Scuzziato M.R.,A model to accounting for losses in the Unit Commitment problem at Brazilian Hydro Plants201117th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011
De Matos V.L., Philpott A.B., Finardi E.C., Guan Z.,Solving Long-Term Hydrothermal Scheduling problems201117th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2011
dos Santos M.L.L., da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Gon?alves R.E.C.,Practical aspects in solving the medium-term operation planning problem of hydrothermal power systems by using the progressive hedging method2009International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
Rodrigues R.N., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C.,Solving the hydrothermal unit commitment problem via Lagrangian Relaxation and Augmented Lagrangian200816th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2008
Dos Santos M.L.L., Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C., Gon?alves R.E.C.,Solving the short term operating planning problem of hydrothermal systems by using the Progressive Hedging method200816th Power Systems Computation Conference, PSCC 2008
Finardi E.C., da Silva E.L.,Solving the hydro unit commitment problem via dual decomposition and sequential quadratic programming2006IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
Rodrigues R.N., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L.,Allocation of hydroelectric units in the problem of programming energy operation using Lagrangian relaxation and augmented Lagrangian [Aloca??o de unidades hidrel?tricas no problema da programa??o da opera??o energ?tica utilizando relaxa??o lagrangeana e lagrangeano aumentado]2006Controle y Automacao
Rodrigues R.N., Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L.,Optimal dispatch of hydro generation plants via augmented lagrangian20052005 IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting
Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L.,Unit commitment of single hydroelectric plant2005Electric Power Systems Research
Finardi E.C., Da Silva E.L., Sagastiz?bal C.,Solving the unit commitment problem of hydropower plants via lagrangian relaxation and sequential quadratic programming2005Computational and Applied Mathematics
Da Silva E., Finardi E.C.,Parallel processing applied to the planning of hydrothermal systems2003IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
Da Silva E.L., Finardi E.C.,Planning of hydrothermal systems using a power plant individualistic representation20012001 IEEE Porto Power Tech Proceedings
Gomes P., Aquino A.F., Ticom S.D., Fernandes B., Feltes J.,How Brazil Aims for Gold in Reliability: From Past Blackouts to Preparedness for the 2016 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games2016IEEE Power and Energy Magazine